Words, thoughts, and pets

It has been quite some time since I last blogged.  I felt like I had run out of things to say.  I worried so much about how what I was saying would be received.  I feared I'd fall too much to one side or another of the fine line I was toting between insightful and fact-sharing with being "too much."  For those who know and love me, they get that I am often "too much" and love me for it anyway.  For those who know me and hate me, they'll get over it.

My ultrasound of my ovaries revealed a complex benign cyst on my right ovary, which is strange considering that my left ovary was causing me so many problems.  Eventually, I may have to go back for a repeat ultrasound, but for now I have been feeling much better.
Indulging at Mrs. Wilkes Kitchen

In other news, I went gluten-free for about a month.  I experienced far fewer migraines, and I became accustomed to living a GF lifestyle.  Then, Brandon and I went on our honeymoon to Savannah, GA (along with a 1 day visit to St. Augustine), where we indulged in every possible type of glutenous food we could.  I felt fine all that week, so when we came home after a near week of honeymoon bliss, I decided I could go back to a gluten-filled lifestyle.  Now, a month later, I feel like crap.  I've also been under a tremendous deal of stress with work, financial woes (work can be to blame for that as well), and household woes (which would be easier to handle with more money).  Recently, we've become a 1 car household until we can deal with the transmission issue hubby's car is having.  Joy!  (Actually, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be...but its only been 3 days).

Throughout my life, I've been blessed to have many wonderful and loving pets.  I am an animal lover at heart.  I could never be a vet, though.  Too sad.  With pet ownership, comes loss.  No matter how much my heart breaks at losing a beloved pet, I can't imagine life without them.  The first major loss I remember was of our cat Tigger when I was 10.  He had kidney problems.  He was the same age as me, 10.  I will never forget when he could no longer walk, so we had to make the difficult decision to put him to sleep.  I believe it is the right thing to do, the humane thing to do.  I won't get into how I feel about compassionate euthanasia for humans, but let me say one thing, I do not want my loved ones to allow me to suffer needlessly in my old age.  Back to Tigger.  We put him to sleep the day before my cousin Deanna's birthday.  It was heartbreaking and tragic.  I cried and cried.  Four years later, we lost our beloved Juner.  

When my mom and dad got Juner, they were told he was a girl.  Not too long after that, they discovered that was not the case.  A beautiful rescue, siamese chocolate lynx point, he lived a long happy life.  Tigger was Juner's brother, not by blood, but throughout life.  They were inside/outside cats, enjoying some freedom outside, but mainly staying inside.  Juner contracted Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) from a fight he got into with another neighborhood cat.  We never had outdoor cats after that.  I can still hear my mom calling for the cats out our backdoor.  

Juner and I were sick at the same time.  When I got injured at age 12, Juner had FIV too.  He was so compassionate and loving.  When I was sick, he was by my side.  When he was sick, he came to me, too.  I guess we had an unspoken connection.  The connect continued with Tazzy and Salem, the cats that came into our lives later.  Tazzy came about 6 months after Tigger died.  Tazzy was with Juner till the end.  Then, we saved Salem, a poor sickly city cat who became a brother to Tazzy too.  Tazzy, amazingly, outlived Salem.   I guess the problems Salem had from his early life were just too much on his body in the end.  Tazzy is a very sick boy these days at the age of 17, yet he almost always has a sly smile on his face.

I was led to think of this today when I laid in bed with a migraine.  Boo is our "lab mix" (lab and boxer or lab and beagle or lab and some pit...most likely a couple of mutts mixed), she is our first baby.  We've had her about 4 years, almost the entire duration of our relationship, minus about 6 months.  She is a wonderful dog, great with Ayla.  She was a rescue, and she has overcome a very difficult past, this we can tell by many anxious behaviors she has exhibited through her life.  Boo is also my compassionate protector.  When I am sick, she doesn't leave me.  She lays at my feet or curls up next to me.  The intuition and heart of a pet is something that goes beyond words.  I am so grateful to have these loving companions to go through life with.  I am glad we can give them a life they may not have ever had.
Boo, Christmas 2010


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