Norvasc, Nursing School, and Nonsense

Last blog, I mentioned I've been having issues with my blood pressure. Since then, I've seen a nurse practitioner and been put on Norvasc, which has helped immensely. I was truly amazed at the wonderful care and concern I received from this new-to-me NP. She listened to all my concerns and ponderings, as I've been in the range for hyperparathyroidism and have many symptoms of hypothyroidism, despite my TSH being within normal limits. However, that lab value has been climbing quite a lot over the last 2 years. I'd only discovered the hyperparathyroidism after having a second kidney stone, at which time via CT scan they also incidentally found some small nodules on the lower lobe of my lung. Long story short, this NP listened to me, followed up with labs, and is sending me out for an endocrinology consultation. At the end of my first appointment with her, I thanked her tearfully for not berating me about my weight, which is what most medical professionals would do, maybe even failing to do anything else. She told me from our conversation that she knows I've tried and understands why I quit when I don't get any results. She said I am educated, and she wants to investigate whatever necessary to make sure I am well. We also got into some side conversations about psychiatric care after I told her about my other NP who prescribes the mental health medications that have saved me in so many ways. My blood pressure is now within a normal range, the related headaches gone, and the pulsatile tinnitus infrequent. I'm so glad I went, and my only regret is not going sooner.

Nursing school is coming to a close, with only 52 days to go. I have endless things on my mind and to-do list, ranging from all the payments and paperwork needed to be submitted to take my boards to the exciting and terrifying reality of moving on from a nurse tech to an RN! I'm just a few exams, a research paper, and a couple of ATIs away from being done. Crazy to go from being inspired by my own sister's pinning ceremony to soon attending my own, horridly unflattering white scrubs and all! I don't at all mean to wish my life away, but I am certainly ready to put the tumultuous journey of nursing school behind me. There are so many people who have supported me in a myriad of ways, I can't even begin to explain it all. My family has supported me and encouraged me, putting up with my wild work and school schedule. I am grateful for the good friends in my life who are always there and don't hate me for neglecting them during this chaos. I'm also incredibly grateful for the nursing sisters I've met on this journey, Cindy and Kaitlyn. We've been through so much together, school and otherwise, and I couldn't have done it without them. 

In other news, we are full swing into summer break around here. My kiddos are at each other's throats one minute and playing joyfully the next. It drives me batty! The joys of siblings. I appreciate the break from school pick up and drop off, as well as the extra coordinating required to make all our schedules function together. I can't believe my girl will be in 4th grade come this Fall, and my little guy will be 4! He won't be going to VPK until next year due to his birthday falling after the cut off, but I know it is what is best for him considering he was born 3 weeks early and experienced some delays when he was younger. He's a chatterbug, goofball these days, and he definitely melts this mama's heart. My sweet girl continues on in true Gemini, Sour Patch kid fashion, challenging me daily and amazing me with her thoughtfulness simultaneously. 

My latest personal endeavors include trying to be more mindful of the time I spend aimlessly scrolling through Facebook, which is such a time suck. I have no intentions of cutting out FB, as I find it a great way to connect and communicate with so many wonderful people in my life. I just think it is time to actually (not just contemplate) stop the wasteful scrolling and find other ways to enjoy my time. About 6 months ago, I signed up for a free trial of Audible because it included 3 free books. I never intended on spending a dime on it, but fell in love with it, hooking my mom and hubby as well. I used to be such a ravenous reader, but in this season of life, I can't seem to get entrenched in a book like I used to. My eyes fatigue, and I end up sleepy. My gosh, such an old person thing to say. Now, I enjoy great books on my many drives, running errands or going to work or school. My radio is non-functioning since my car that used to be new is now going on 11 years old. Other areas I'd like to work on are purging many things I've amassed over the years, deciding what is truly of value and what is just taking up valuable space. This one is a hard area for me because I am very sentimental, so letting things go can feel like a loss. On the other hand, when I do free up space, I don't regret it and enjoy that lighter feeling. Ultimately, I just want to do things that bring me joy and make memories. I am looking forward to indulging in my other hobby, concert-going. In recent months, we've been to Katy Perry, Lana Del Ray, Miranda Lambert, and the Eagles (for the 3rd time!). Coming up will be Train, Sam Smith, and in early 2018 Elton John in his farewell tour. Time well spent with my people making memories...

"Play that song
The one that makes me go all night long
The one that makes me think of you
That's all you gotta do"


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