Little Things

Today, while making my second trek across the bridge and back, I kept feeling my little toe on the left foot rub up against the toe next to it.  It was driving me batty, so I decided when I got to my turn around point to take my sock off and make sure nothing was in there.  So, we stopped and I checked...didn't see anything.  Upon putting my shoe back on, it felt better.

But then it didn't.  

We drove back to my house, and I enjoyed the post workout euphoria/endorphins.  We all had a great supper, but as I was walking around the house-barefoot-something kept bothering that same little toe.  I gave Ayla a bath.  We colored on her whiteboard table.  She had a major meltdown because she's 2...and sometimes being 2 can be very tough.  

Sidenote:  When bitty finished having her total tantrum/scream & cry fest, we sat in the rocking chair.  She reached up and stroked my face, so sweetly.  I asked her, "Did you get very mad?" to which she nodded her head.  I told her, "Mama loves you even when you're mad."  She took her sippy cup full of cold water (which probably felt good after all her screaming) out of her mouth, looked right at me, and said, "Thank you Mama."  She just amazes me with her incredible understanding and perception.

Anyway, I finally sat down because my toe was driving me INSANE!  Lo and behold, I found the source of all that irritation.  The tiniest little corner of toenail had grown in there and was rubbing against my other toe.  

Really?  That tiny little thing causing so much pain and irritation?  I clipped that little sucker, and I feel like a new woman now!  Its the little things...

The moral of the story:  Handle the little things before they turn into big problems.


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