These are a few of my favorite things

Recently, I was asked to help create a list of "must haves" for a rather young mama-to-be.  If only all the baby books, blogs, and unsolicited advisers had given me this list.  Of course, every mom is different, but these are perfect gifts for any mama, in my book.
1. Target brand breastfed baby wipes-they contain lanolin, which helps the often sore bums of newborns (breastfed babies poo more, and even if your baby isn't breastfed, they do wonders for the bum).  The trick is looking for these in the breastfeeding aisle.  You won't find the wipes with regular baby wipes.  These suckers run about $2.44 (which is so awesome compared to the brand name ones at $4-5) but are worth every cent. 
2.  Playtex VentAire bottles-my very favorites.   Move aside Dr. Brown, I loved these bottles for their ease of use and effective air bubble-less-ness.  Plus, Playtex has super awesome customer service, and I love them for that alone.
3.  Boppy.  What new mom (and dad...and puppy) doesn't love the boppy?  It is comfy for nursing, napping, snuggling the newbie.  Okay, so maybe some moms out there recommended this one, but it still makes the list.
4. Hyland's teething tablets.   Teething bites!  It is one of the worst parts of motherhood and babyhood, right up there with the endless weeks of sleeplessness, which can also happen to be caused by said teething.  These little suckers dissolve instantly, and your little one will conk out from the relief!  There's even a disclaimer on the bottle saying that if they fall asleep not to worry-that they're just finally feeling better.
5. Graco My Ride 65.   I own this baby in Flair and Spiral.  It rear faces to 40 lbs, which is amazing since rear-facing is so much safer (but I'll save that for another blog).  It is comfy, fits wonderfully in both my big mama car and Nana's tiny Toyota.  Well worth every penny, but even better if you score it on sale at Toys R Us with a 20% coupons and it happens to be the last one, so they discount it even further.  Yeah...

Those are five of my favorites, but trust me, I have plenty more of where that came from!


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