I'm that Mom.

I'm THAT mom.

That's right, I said it.

I'm the mom who agonized over breastfeeding, trying everything in her power to make it work.  I'm the mom who cried when she fed her precious newborn the last of her mother's milk.

But I'm also the mom that fed her sweet baby formula when there was no choice left.

I'm the mom who posts every article and video on the importance of rear-facing and extended rear-facing babies in car seats.  I'm the mom who agonizes over the number of moms who choose not to follow these recommendations, even when they have read the cold hard facts.  That it is 500% safer for all babies in a collision.  It actually makes me nauseous because I know the devastation that can be caused by a collision.  It stole my grandparents away from me, away from my mom and her siblings at such a young age.

But I'm also the mom that didn't know better until a friend (not a pediatrician, shockingly, who still gives wrong recommendations) told her and shared information with her.  (I thank God she felt that I was willing to receive information and not take it as an insult or slight against my parenting.)

I'm the mom that made baby food from scratch and when buying jarred food, only bought Earth's Best because she couldn't stomach the idea of feeding my precious baby food out of #7 plastic, with its toxic components (Gerber products are packaged in #7).

But I'm also the mom that started feeding her ravenous baby at 4 months (2 months prior to the AAP recommendation) and occasionally feeds her baby Chick-Fil-A.

I'm the mom that feels strongly against My Baby Can Read and other programs promising to make her child so much smarter and advanced.  I'm the mom that thinks and knows from my educational background that a reader is made by being read to and learning to love reading.

But I'm also the mom that will put on Elmo or Clifford when her little one requests it.

I'm the mom that loves her daughter more than life itself.  I'm the mom that would do anything for her child and sacrifices her own little luxuries in order to make her toddler's life richer.

But I'm also the mom that gets so frustrated with her child that she has to take a mommy time-out.

I'm the mom who is amazed that as she writes this, her child has almost managed to open a Capri Sun (100% juice...) on her own.

But I'm also the mom that allows my child to have juice.

I'm the mom that didn't plan on becoming a mom when she did.

But I'm also the mom that was ready for the gift and trials motherhood brings.


  1. Amber, this made me cry. I loved it. Some days I get so stressed out with my own daughter that I forget to step back and remember there are other moms out there getting frustrated. I always wish I had more mom friends, but I don't, so reading your blog posts help me maintain my sanity. Thanks.

  2. It is hard being a mom. I'm glad that my blog helps in some small way. I don't have a lot of close friends that are also moms, so I know what you mean. :) I'm always just a FB message away if you ever need to talk/vent. <3


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