Papa, Daddy, Father, Pops, Dad

Tonight as I read Ayla The Christmas Baby for the umpteenth time, she surprised me when I turned to the page with camels on it.  She said, clear as day, "Camel!"  I immediately guessed that Brandon taught her "camel" during his many nightly reading sessions with her.

I like putting Ayla down to bed, but I won't deny the fact that her insatiable hunger for just "one more" book often wears me out.  I love when Brandon puts her to bed.  I think it is great papa-Ayes bonding time, and he is the best EVER storyteller.  He has a voice for every character and an accent for every cultured story he reads with her.

Some people complain about their hubbies and their lack of participation in parenting.  I've heard and read tales of dads who just don't "get it" and would rather parent from the sidelines.  I don't get that.  Stereotypes often peg dads as the breadwinner and not much else.

We are both the breadwinners in this house.  There wouldn't be any bread without both of us working.

Having a hands-on man in my life makes me so happy!  I really can't complain.  Well, I do complain, but only of those little nuances that occur in couples from time to time.

Brandon cooks dinner.  He cooks breakfast.  He tries to sneak spinach into everything we eat!  

In those long days and nights following A's birth, he took care of me and he took care of her.  He was up in the middle of the night, every night.  He was at every prenatal appointment I had, and he has been to all but 1 of A's pediatric appointments.

He colors, he does puzzles, he reads stories, he snuggles.  He changes diapers and cleans up puke.  We discuss poop color and frequency, how much she's eaten and what she's had to drink.  We are on the same page when it comes to discipline and our goals for her... wanting her to learn, be happy, and we want her to be "a good man in a storm."

There is no parenting task that he is unwilling to do.  There is no household chore he won't take care of if it needs to be done.

He listens to all my car seat ramblings; he calms all my worries.  He supports me and challenges me.

The first words he said to me when I told him I was pregnant (at 5:30 am on a Monday morning) were, "I'm going to be a dad!"  He smiled ear to ear.

I don't know what I'd do without him.  I don't think I could handle a man that wasn't a hands-on dad and hands-on partner.

This one's for the dads, the papas, the fathers...all the men out there who stand by their family and jump in feet first.  Without men like you, what would we do?

This is especially dedicated to my Brandon for being such an awesome dad and partner.


  1. I absolutely love this! I love hearing how happy you are, how blessed you feel, and what an intricate part of your and Ayla's life Brandon is. It makes me smile to hear all of the things he does, for both of you. I am sure he is equally appreciative of the things you do for him. ALWAYS thank one another for those moments! I cried while reading this, but only happy tears.


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