Stress stinks, arrid works...

My stress levels have been SO HIGH lately, and not for any one specific reason.  I have been having terrible migraines with shoulder and neck pain on top of horrendous tailbone pain (cracked tailbone during childbirth almost 2 years ago) to boot.

I do not often talk about my job on this blog, as I know that many teachers have faced serious consequences for airing their negative views or opinions in a public forum.  However, I will say that there are a number of things going on in my state (merit pay + eliminating tenure, pay freeze for my entire career, standardized tests) that have caused many of my wonderful friends a great deal of turmoil, stress, and anxiety.  There are, of course, the perks of the job that are priceless, for instance receiving a note from a parent letting you know that they will never forget the difference you made for their child.

My sweet daughter has been very rambunctious and has been learning a lot about boundaries and limitations.  It is exciting and fascinating to see her grow and learn and change.  But it is also exhausting.  She continues to test things out on me (her newest thing is spitting, as I've mentioned once before) but won't try those same things with Papa.  Some are quick to assume that he is more consistent at disciplining her, but the truth of the matter is we are on the same page.  We are consistent, together.  Not sure why its me she is doing all this boundary/limitation learning with me, but it is certainly wearing me out. Some days, I feel more frustrated with her than delighted, and that of course stresses me out.  I just think I'd be doing a disservice to moms out there to say that it [motherhood] is always sunshine and lollipops.  When I feel so stressed with her, I feel terrible.  That mother guilt that seems to plague so many moms that I know, including myself. 

There is also the stress of being broke and the trials and tribulations of being a homeowner that have been taking a toll on me as well.  

I am in the process of making changes to try and reduce these stress levels.  I am thinking that the first step in this process is to win the lottery.  Recently, a person bought a $20 lottery ticket from my Publix with a winning total of $3 million dollars. Then, I will work on having a perfectly behaved child.  I imagine that things will just fall into place with the state of education, and I am working on inventing a self-cleaning house.  As a result of this lack of stress, I will feel healthy and rejuvenated, springing from bed first thing in the morning, fresh as a daisy! 

I'll get back to you when that happens.


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