Wedding & ooey gooey love stuff

We met with our wedding caterer on Friday, and she prepared a smorgasbord of delicious foods for us.  One dish in particular, has me wishing that it was our wedding day already!  

We've also met with our photographer and made a final decision on her.  I am so excited to have found very talented and kindhearted women who also actually fit into our budget!  It is amazing how quickly the expenses of a wedding add up!  However, we are doing our best to be frugal and get things done ahead of time.  I am a big planner, a trait inherited from my dad (who always has to have a PLAN!), and it feels good to get the ball rolling on these things.

We have our date (Saturday, October 8, 2011) set and our venue reserved.  I've ordered the Save the Date magnets (from VistaPrint, thanks to my BFF Ette who recommended them) and got them for 50% off!  I don't see any purpose in spending a great deal of money on invites and save the dates because if people are anything like me, they feel so guilty throwing those expensive little suckers away.  But that's what happens-they get thrown away!

My wedding dress is hanging in Ayla's closet, right next to the overpriced (boo) veil that goes so perfectly with it.  I'm still on the quest for the perfect shoes, and I google searching for them on a more than regular basis.  I even dream about them!  

It is hard to believe that in October, not so long from now, I will be a married woman.  It feels indescribable to have found the one that I want to spend my life with.  The search, the awful dating scene...for that to be done.  That is one phase of my life I certainly don't miss.  

Even though he will probably never read this, I just have to say...I love you Brandon, you are my home, you are my happiness on a dreary day.  Long before Ayla was conceived, I saw her in your eyes.  I am so glad we get to share this crazy journey called life together.  You've already proven yourself to be true to all the traditional vows.  Through good times and bad, through poorness and poorer (LOL), and especially in sickness, sickness, and occasional bouts of good health.  Ich liebe dich!


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