99 Balloons...

We survived (and enjoyed) 2 days at Sea World for A's 2nd birthday.  One perk about a 2 teacher household is that we both got into Sea World for free and Ayla did, too.  

This morning, I asked her, "Who are we going to see today?"

She replied, "Shamu."

Sorry kid, not today.  She really enjoyed herself during all the shows and whatnot, but she kept this serious face on her look at almost all times.

Except when we sang, "Happy Birthday" to her.

Isn't she just the cutest?  

Of course, being away for her birthday means that we didn't get to spend it with all the family.  We look forward to enjoying time with the grandparents and my siblings (Ayes' aunts & uncle) for a meal of spaghetti and french bread, followed by a cake made and decorated by Ti-ti Lexi.

We might go for a swim.  And of course the grandparents have some little gifts for her.  

We kept the gifts to a minimum, just a few little Target dollar items-they had a great Toy Story 3 selection (and last year she didn't get any from us if you can believe it...her big pool party was her gift) and just enjoyed the gift of her experience at Sea World.

Stay tuned for blog post #100!  This is 99...how will I celebrate my blog's 100th post day?!


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