A Mother's Day Surprise

My Mother's day involved a very cranky, no-nap-taken almost two-year-old.  Oy vey! She felt it would be more fun to run around the pool than to go swimming in it.  However, she was very well-behaved for our much-too-long wait at IHOP, for less than amazing food.  The family at the table next to us, who yelled at the kids and threatened them for doing very typical kid things while bored and waiting (horsing around at the table, very mild horsing mind you), pointed her out to the 5-year-old saying how well-behaved she was being.  Of course, that prompted her to start throwing things on the floor and demanding to be held.

Anyway, my mother's day was mostly good, although getting into a fight with my mom is on the bottom of my list of things I hoped to have happen today.  I got to sleep in yesterday, and I really slept.  I mean, I went to bed Friday night at midnight, and I didn't get up until 4:00 pm on Saturday.  That is SIXTEEN hours of sleep.  Wow!  I suppose after my mama meltdown and constant high level of stress lately, it was much needed.  Today, I woke up to the sweetest cards a mama could ever hope for (I'm a sucker for cards...buy me nothing, so long as you get me a card with a thoughtfully written message in it) and a sweet Ipod nano.

Later on this evening, after visiting with Nana (my mom) and my family, as well as visiting Oma (B's mom), we arrived home.  There was a bouquet of flowers in front of the door!  Turns out, Brandon's mom sent me the flowers with a sweet note, which brought on tears for the 2nd time today (the first time being my sweet card).

Ayla had a special surprise for me as well.  She pooped not once, but twice.  Then, after we read some stories together, she insisted, "Rock, rock," which is nothing new.  As we were rocking in the rocking chair, she looked at me by the glow of her angel nightlight, leaned forward, and...


Mid-bite, I screamed, "AHHHHHHHHHH!"  Thank God she stopped.

You have to understand my child has never had a real close relationship with my ta-tas.  She nursed quite poorly, which led to the breastfeeding/mastitis fail of this first infancy.  However, she is quite intrigued by my ta-ta's.  If she sees me getting dressed, she says, "Hello boob."  Not to mention the time she crushed my nipple while climbing on me in bed.  She had a good time saying, "Nipple, nipple," much to my dismay (and her father's amusement).  But this goes down in boob history.  I guess she thought it looked nice and soft to bite?  I'm not quite sure...

She jumped when I screamed, and she immediately knew her experiment had gone awry.  I asked her, "Do we bite?" to which she replied, "No, no.  Sowwy."  I told her to give me a hug.  Her new thing is to show that she knows yes and no by nodding or shaking her head while saying something. 

Mama: "Do you know who we are going to see today?"
A: "Oma!"
Mama: "No, we're going to see Danielle."
A (nodding): "Danielle."
A (shaking no): "Oma."
A (nodding): "Danielle."
A (shaking no): "Oma."

Tonight's demonstration of opposites (yes and no) went like this:
A (nodding): "Hug."
A (shaking no): "Bite." 
A (nodding): "Hug."
A (shaking no): "Bite."  

I had to keep myself from laughing, and I made sure she recognized me whole-heartedly agreeing with her demonstration, shaking my head vigorously and making the "mean mama" face when she said "biting."

To all the mamas out there and all the women in my life who will someday be mamas, I hope you had a wonderful mothers day full of sweet cards, pancakes, and hopefully ta-tas safe from the dangers of biting.


  1. Oh my! Hopefully she won't ever do that again! As you know I breastfed Madison. When she was very little she tried to latch on to James one day when he was holding her and he didn't have a shirt on. He screamed and it was funny but yet not funny at the same time. Thankfully that was a one time occurence.


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