Parents have s-e-x (should this be followed by a "?" or a "!")

Someone (ahem, my mom) suggested I write about you-know-what (s-e-x) to really hit home with my readers.  I am not really to go all out, but I will give you this in the meantime.  

Top 10 Ways Having a Baby Affects You-Know-What (in no real order...just countdown style for fun!)

10. Lack of sleep, lack of sleep, lack of sleep.  Desire for sleep > desire for ...
9. Readjusted bits in the lady region (oh, the sad sorry story of the stitches that were)
8. Baby sensor who wakes on cue when you-know-what is mid-course
7.  Co-sleeping
6. Lack of showering (due to lack of sleep)
5. Mirena.  Let's just say it wasn't poking me. (Note: Worst device ever...for 101 reasons)
4.  Cracked tailbone
3. Fear of future lack of sleep (aka pregnancy)
2. Random baby toys/blankets/stuffed animals that traveled into our bed
1. Did I mention a lack of sleep?!

Y'all get a good night's sleep...and good luck getting lucky!


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