Turning two...

So, in celebration of Ayla's 2nd birthday, I've decided the first thing we're going to do is turn her car seat around forward facing!


Seriously folks, unless you're new to Mama Speaks, you know I am pretty passionate about car seat safety, especially in regards to the benefits of rear-facing until 2--OR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE!

I wrote about it in my wildly popular post (one of the most read out of the 97 posts prior to this one) here. I also mention it in "I'm That Mom."  My wonderful friend and fellow bloggin' mama Amanda wrote about it in her wildly popular post here.  I mention my favorite car seat links in "I Like It." 

My passion and commitment to car seat safety includes two attempts at trying to take a CPST (child passenger safety technician) course, the first of which was too far away to drive to and fro for 4 days in a row, the second canceled at the last minute due to low enrollment.

It pains me to see how people have their children secured in their child safety seats, especially those using infant seats improperly.  Over the past weekend, I attended a high school graduation.  There was a mother with her 1-2 month old baby in the infant seat with the straps all loosey goosey.  While shopping awhile before that, I saw another mom with her very young infant where not only were the straps loose, but the chest clip was down as far as it can go.  I want desperately to say something.  I want to, but I can't.  Because then the mother would question me-who am I to tell her how to parent?  It isn't like that...it just isn't.  

I've thought about my friend who has a new baby about 5 months old.  I want to ask her if she knows about extended rear-facing.  I want to ask if she is confident in her car seat installation or if she's had it checked by a professional.

I want to make bumper stickers.  Leave informational pamphlets in pediatrician's office, especially those like mine who give outdated information to their patients.

I wish there was a way to teach without stepping on toes.  A way to help without insulting.

I will say this though.  When I heard a mom saying that she was using Orajel (FDA Warns about Teething Medication) on her 21-month-old.  I asked if she'd heard that the FDA recommends against it in children under 2.  She said she talked to her doctor and her son was the right weight.  I left the conversation at that.  It is good she consulted with her physician, but I guess I just am not so trusting.  My Ayla is bigger than her little boy, and Iwill not use orajel on her.  In fact, aside from the one or two times I did early in her teething, I haven't.  I use Hyland's Teething Tablets (which are off market right now, but they offer a teething gel).  The tablets were taken off the market due to uproar about the cap (not child resistant) and the failure to disclose the amount of belladonna in the pills/inconsistent amounts in the pills. I found this explanation very helpful.  Basically, a 10 lb. baby would need to consume at least 6 BOTTLES of teething tablets to have any adverse affects from belladonna.  Now, I'm not saying that all herbal methods are safe, but I would much rather have Ayla take teething tablets than use a gel linked to deaths in children under 2.

I digress.  Sorry for the tangent, but the point is, I said something.  I think I offended the mom, which was not my intention.  I don't think any parent does things intentionally against the good will of their children, but sometimes we just don't know things.  There's plenty I didn't know.  So I just want to share.  To educate.  To help.

I'm not sure how to do that except from behind my computer screen, but for now it will have to do!

Happy Birthday Eve to my sweet girl Ayla.  By the end of the summer, I anticipate she will have hit the height limits of her current car seat.  At that time, I hope to be able to invest in this beautiful car seat (Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL-the specs are a-maz-ing).


  1. Me too! Me too! I just want to be helpful. Oh, great car seat for an upgrade. Beyond the safety and reviews, what a cute print! :)

  2. I will probably opt for a more neutral print (even though I love, love, love this one) that way we can reused with #2 someday.


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