Day 1: Why I love to write

So I decided that I am going to participate in NaBloPoMo ( after seeing The Feminist Breeder mention it on her Facebook.

Today's prompt asks to write about why you love to write.

I love to write, and I always have.  In my early teen years, I wrote angsty poetry with a group of my friends.  I journaled.  I wrote unsent letters.  In my later teen years, I discovered blogging.  I blogged in diary format for years.  Two years into my blogging, the server I'd been using (UJournal) crashed and lost everything.  Even though I was devastated, I moved on and picked up with another blog.  When I went to Guatemala to teach English for a month after graduating college, I blogged about my adventures there.  Back in the day of Myspace, I did blogged using their feature.  

Then, I stopped.  

About one year ago, I decided to jokingly start a blog, hoping to become rich (not so much famous) like Dooce.  Long story short, Heather Armstrong of Dooce is/was (not sure if this has changed) one of the most widely read (if not the most) personal blog.  The summer I had Ayla, I saw her on Oprah, and she saved me.  She talked candidly about her post-partum depression and institutionalizing herself.  I wrote more about that somewhere, but I'm too lazy to link to it right now.

When I started Mama Speaks, I shared it on my Facebook, thinking no one would read it.  But people read it, and they gave me great feedback.  Some of my earliest followers were my good friends Kimberly and Amanda.  Amanda started her own blog but has continued to this day to be one of my biggest blog stalkers/encouragers.

Through this blogging experience, I've written personal accounts, but I've also expressed my opinions and beliefs.  Unashamed and unabashed.  During a period of time when I felt so passionless and purposeless, blogging brought me to life.  It gave me validation.  It gave me reason.  It was a place for me to be a woman in all of my roles-mama, teacher, reader, chronic pain sufferer, etc, etc.  Writing helps me express myself in a way that nothing else can.  Communicating is one of my strong points, both written and in my oral expression.  If I could turn that talent and joy into a career, I would.  I just don't know how to.

So for now, I will write.  I return joyfully and hope to stretch myself as a writer in these 30 wonderful days of November.  Goodbye to my writers block and hello to writing, my love, no matter what.


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