Day 5: Concert state of mind

Tonight I went to see the Goo Goo Dolls in concert.  Wow.  What a great experience!  Not only were they amazing, but their opening act, Ryan Star, was awesome as well.  He gave me chills, the kind where you feel it not only on your arms and legs, but on your cheeks and scalp even.

One of the highlights of the GGD concert was when they played "Name."  Before they started, Johnny asked a young person in the audience how old he/she was.  Fourteen.  He went on to remark that when he wrote the song the young person was only a gleam in his/her parents eyes.  Funny!  He talked about how old that made him, then said it was hard to believe the song was 15 years old. 

Wait a second.  I remember vividly when their first hit, "Name," came out.  I was 12.  My life was turned upside down by illness, but I had music.  A Boy Named Goo was one of the albums I got back during that era.  Yes, I bought it just for that song.  But ever since their start, I've really enjoyed GGD.  I can't say that I am a die hard fan-the type that knows every song by heart.  But I can't really say that there's a single song of theirs that I've heard and not truly enjoyed.  Johnny Rzeznik's voice is medicine for my soul.  It literally makes my heart ache in  rollercoaster of emotions from high to low and back again.

So tonight's concert experience got me to thinking about my concert experiences past.  At 14, I went to a local music festival called DotFest (the Dot was the radio station's name) and saw bands like Everclear and the dudes who sang "Sex and Candy" and Finger Eleven.  After moving to Florida, I went to Earthday Birthday and saw a bunch of bands that I can't think of, but it was a blast.  I saw Staind with Flyleaf as an opening act (before they were even a name to know on the radio) for my brother's birthday.  My friend Andrea invited me to see Billy Idol at the House of Blues, and even though his face is wrecked from years of drugs, his body was crazy ripped.  Oh, his songs were great too.  I've seen Edwin McCain.  Once, my brother got too sick to go to the Rascal Flatts concert he had a ticket to see with my sister, mom, and his (then) girlfriend (now fiancee).  They swear they asked me to go, but they really didn't.  Anyway, it worked out since he couldn't go.  Going to work the next morning after a long drive home from Orlando sucked, but the concert was amazing.  When I was pregnant with Ayla, I had the pleasure of seeing The Eagles in concert, then Billy Joel & Elton John.  I swear that must have something to do with Ayla's major love of music.  Of course over the years, I saw many symphonic concerts, including some special ones-violinist Joshua Bell (before he got super big), Anne Akiko Meyers, and the Manhattan String Quartet.  

Once upon a time, I was a very talented violinist...

Even though that dream was robbed from me, music being a part of my heart and soul and body...well, no one could take that from me.

I can't wait for my next concert.
I should figure out what that will be...


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