Day 13: Food can change your life

I cannot put into words how much the documentary Food Matters changed my thinking.  To think that we can truly heal ourselves, not just from the common cold but from CANCER, with high dose vitamins and true quality blows me away.

I want to start treating my depression and anxiety with nutrition and high dose vitamins.
I want to start treating my migraines and my chronic pain from RSD with nutrition and high dose vitamins.

How often do we see someone lose weight and ask them their secret?  "A lifestyle change," they say.

I would LOVE to see the day-to-day diet of these folks.  Are they eating a diet with 51 percent of each meal consisting of raw foods?  Are they drinking enough water?  Are they eating local fruits and vegetables?  Are they eating super foods?  

I don't say this to question folks lifestyle changes.  Some friends of mine have truly changed their diets and lifestyle.

But having been there myself, I also know that weight loss can come from extremely restrictive "dieting."  I used to pretty much eat as little as possible and work out as much as possible.  I can tell you right now my body wasn't getting what it needed.

Weight loss clinics.  HCG supplements.  Injections.  Body wraps of all sorts-I've seen dozens.  

Does this nourish our bodies?  Does this give our cells and immunities what is needed to thrive and heal itself?

I ask these questions because I have had glimmers of them...and pushed those thoughts aside.

Dr. Andrew Saul said it best when he said (more or less) why don't we do something about this?  The number one reason is it means we have to take responsibility.

Wow...a lot of "food" for thought this evening...


  1. Of course I love this, you know that. We need to think about how we eat and how it impacts us. And realize that the American way is getting us sicker and sicker.


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