Day 6: What can I do?

Many times before, I've written about this empty feeling I have.  This lack of a sense of purpose.  Not that the things I do in life aren't fulfilling a purpose, but rather there is a purpose I am meant to fulfill that I am not.

While my family was in town for our wedding, I discussed this very issue.  My uncle, a doctor, and my aunt, a life insurance agent (get some, folks...its so important!) both seem to really enjoy their jobs and they've known me my entire life, so I let them weigh in.  The advice and discussion went to different areas, ranging from specifics, such as marketing and motivational speaker-to generals, such as apply for every job you see.  Others I've discussed it with have asked me thought provoking questions such as, "What do you really love to do?" and "If you could do anything, what would it be?"

I don't have the answers, but I do have a list of things I do really well.  
  • I have a way with words.  I can edit any paper and make it better, and I can take any topic that I'm knowledgeable about and craft a piece from it.  I've written a multitude of pieces including an obituary for my grandfather and a speech for my great-grandmother's funeral.  
  • I have a gift for speaking.  The bigger the crowd, the better.  I get a thrill from sharing with a crowd, whether it is professionally, such as the training I conducted last week at work, or personally, such as speaking out on behalf of someone or something important to me.
  • When it comes to corralling people, I have no problems.  I can delegate tasks, get a group organized and focused on a purpose, and I can run any baby shower or bridal shower you throw my way (minus the decorating which I could care less about).
  • I can teach. If I truly understand something, I can teach it to anyone and answer questions about the unknowns.  It is especially fulfilling when I am teaching about a topic or subject that is near and dear to me, as I have in this very blog.  Car seats, responsive parenting, health & beauty product safety, the importance of reading, etc.
  • I can talk to anyone and make them feel important, which they are since everybody matters.  When I go to Walmart, I make friends with the people in line with me and the cashier.
  • When it comes to issues/people that are important to me, I have no problem sticking up for the cause/person.  Over the last few years, my mom has had some dental and health issues occur, and I have stayed by  her side, asking the tough questions and communicating on her behalf when doctors/dentists refuse to listen to HER, the patient. 
  • Things that need done get done.  I am dependable and a go getter.  I make it happen, whatever it is.
I won't give up on figuring out what this purpose is that I'm meant to fill.  I don't think this empty feeling is here for no reason.  I think it is there to keep me uncomfortable and antsy, to push me and motivate me to find the door that I have the key to.  I truly believe that in life we are given a purpose that no one else can fill, so now I continue my journey to finding what mine is.


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