Update: baby fever has broken, sanity level back to normal

Usually, I'm so excited to pick Ayla up from Danielle's, but lately I've considered hiring Danni for a short-term mother position.  You see, my very bossy and opinionated daughter has decided to really test the limits lately.  How, you ask?

1. She will raise her arms into the air and make her mean face (a classic, I tell ya), demonstrating that she is about to slap the crap out of me.
2. She kicks violently during diaper changes.
3.  When I tell her, "Nice...gentle," she hugs me or touches my face softly, followed by a slap or kick to the nearest tender spot on my body.
4. When I tell her no and redirect her by having her do what I'd like her to be doing (for instance, sitting on the new couch-a rare splurge-rather than running up and down it after just seconds ago falling headlong into the floor), she looks at me, says "No no no no," and does it anyway.
5.  She has random outbursts of crying and/or screaming for no apparent reason.  I know there's a reason, but I can't seem to figure it out.

Being Ayla's mom has been (literally) painful lately, and at the end of the day, I want to smooch and snuggle her.

But tonight was a great reminder of why we are waiting to try for another.  So we can savor this precious time with our kicking, slapping, crying, screaming 17 month old.  Baby fever?  Nah.


  1. I can totally relate to this! It is very frustrating at times because you know there's a reason but of course she can't quite communicate that to you. I've been violently kicked during diaper changes and it takes EVERY ounce of energy I have sometimes to restrain Madison. It does get easier, although with terrible twos come waves of that type of behavior. It's funny how they can be devilish one minute and sweet as pie the next. Hang in there. It will get easier with time as she figures out who she is and grows in to her own person. You're doing a great job, Momma!


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