
A determination.  Although resolution is described as a noun, I find it to be more of a verb because no matter what you resolve to do, the first step is taking action.

I resolve to do many things throughout the year, however I am not among the many who are against new year's resolutions.  In fact, I like the chance to reflect and plan ahead.  I am a to-do list maker.

For 2011, I resolve...
1. To adopt a livable eating and exercise habit.  I had one in my old life, the one before I was a mom and a full-time teacher, and now it is time for find a new one.
2. Begin serving my purpose.  I have many passions and talents, and I'd like my life to use those talents including the kind of work I do.  I know I am not fulfilling my purpose.  I really enjoy teaching, but I know it isn't my final destination.  I need to live a passionate life.
3. Declutter.  Get rid of the mess and muss and stick to the basics.  I am well on my way with my decluttering measures I've begun implementing.
4. Read more books for pleasure.  The TV has taken over, but until lately, I forgot how much pleasure I get out of reading books (esp in a series) that I can't put down.
5. Enjoy Ayla's remaining baby-hood...she's growing so fast, and I just want to savor the moments, document them through writing and photographs, and truly enjoy the little person she is.
6. Family nights.  I want to spend more time having our families come together-Brandon's and mine-because we always enjoy each other so shouldn't be limited to certain occasions such as bdays and holidays.
7. Grow my friendships, old and new.
8. Walk my dogs more (because they get very little or no walking, as shameful as it is to admit...)
9. Complete some of my many unfinished projects.
10. Get married and get that order!

Merry Christmas to all...and start thinking about those resolutions, for those of you who find meaning in resolving like I do.  Please share in a comment below!  



  1. Okay so, bare with my poor sense of humor.....your #10 marriage then baby.... I think a marriage sandwiched between two babies is a great idea. Especially considering it is much better than a baby sandwiched between two marriages :)

    I think we are becoming the same person....other than I don't have dogs to walk.

  2. Oh my gosh Amanda, you crack me up! I love the babies/marriage/marriages comment!! How are we becoming the same person? I've got to hear the reason why!

  3. Just the resolutions.....I could have written them. Haha


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