Sharing Our Babies & Mama's Little Love Bird

This afternoon, Ayla and I met up with our good friends Amanda, Ivan, and Ezra.  The really cool thing about Ezra is that he's just a couple weeks younger than Ayla.  I still remember the day I got a Facebook IM from Amanda telling me that she was also pregnant and also due in June (my due date was June 2).  Amanda and I met through a mutual friend, Brandy, whom I worked with at Starbucks.   Our friendship blossomed as we attended a church group called Immersed together.  I always thought she was pretty awesome, and even though she's younger than me, I always looked up to her in many ways.

As life and time would have it, we eventually grew apart.  She moved up North with her husband, as he pursued further education.  Well, I guess God works in funny ways for both of us to end up pregnant at the same time.  Of course, her pregnancy was planned and mine wasn't, but there was no mistake.  These babies were the perfect gift for each of our little families.  

Throughout my pregnancy, Amanda would send me sweet text messages and facebook messages, encouraging me and requesting preggo pics.  Being encouraged during my pregnancy meant more than she could've known.  I had a hard time during my pregnancy for a number of reasons, and I only really confided in my mom, my sister, my best friend Ette, and Brandon, along with a counselor to whom I'm quite grateful for.

Before I knew it, Ayla Day was upon us.  Amanda cheered me on the whole way, and after I had Ayla she sent me sweet messages of encouragement and compliments on my beautiful baby (as did all of my amazing friends and family).  Then, I stalked her Facebook to wait for the arrival of her little guy.  We decided since our kiddos couldn't play dress up and Barbie together, we'd just have to arrange a marriage early.  I was so excited to see she'd had a healthy baby boy, the perfect unexpected combination of her and her husband.  With bated breath, I waited to see what they'd decide on for a name, and when they chose Ezra, I was so happy for them.  I had a feeling about that name, and I myself even really liked it for boys (boy names=nightmare...another day, another blog).

Ayla and Ezra met at quite a young age over the summer of 2009, then they visited again around Thanksgiving time. Throughout Ayla's growing and aging, Amanda would never forget Ayla's "monthaversaries" as she so aptly coined them.  Like clockwork, I'd get a text saying, "Wow, time flies!  Happy ___ monthaversary" or something equally sweet.  I can't quite keep up with it as well as she can, but I sure try to,

We were super excited to have some play dates with Amanda and Ezra while they were here over the summer for an internship Ivan had the chance to do.  It was so neat watching the babies turn one-to be a part of each other's little bitty's day.

Now, here we are and the babies are 19-months and near 19-months.  We had a blast at B&N chasing the babies (note to self: weight loss plan involves chasing toddler through public places, phew!), having the babies chase each other, and trying to fit in conversation in between all the running.  I was so excited to hear Ezra tell me all his fun new words like 'big truck' and all the names of his friends at 'kool (school).  I feel like even though they are far away, I get to share a little piece of his growing up because we're going through it together.  I'm very thankful for a friendship that once faded away to be brought back together.

Speaking of sweet babies, my little daughter just gets funnier and sassier by the day, I swear!  On Christmas, her favorite thing to say was, "Hep me!" to get us to assist in expediting the unwrapping process.  She's currently enjoying pushing her baby around in the stroller her Oma got her alternating with trying to hunt down the packing peanuts that she takes joy in smashing into tiny bits, which we frantically clean up so Oscar the vomiting dog doesn't get to them.  She does this sweet little "Aww" noise when she hugs you; of course, a lot of the time she says "No!" and just runs away, waiting to be chased.  She says "sick" because she was sick last week, and she really enjoyed the amoxicillian that fixed her right up.  A bit on the dramatic side, she sometimes says, "Ow.  Boo boo," while pointing to her finger or another random spot.  Her temper tantrums are full-blown, with her falling to the ground, which I must say usually cracks me up.  We have a lot of talks about what is nice and not nice, and she's learned a lot about saying "Sorry" when she does something in the not nice category.  Sometimes, she picks up a purse or bag, puts it over her shoulder, comes and gives me a kiss, and says, "Bye!" like she's big and grown and ready for the big, bad world out there.  In addition to knowing how old she is and the city she lives, she knows the name of her Ti-Ti ("Leck" for Lexi) and Oma ("Daby" for Gaby) and gpa ("Tom" for, well, Tom).  She knows Mama's name and Papa's name, and sometimes she remembers Nana's name, but sometimes she just calls Nana "Mo Mo" (Nana's dog's name, Molly) because Jennifer is a hard one!

Tonight, I went to check in on her and make sure her blanket wasn't over her head, which she likes to do often to make me panic, even to this day.  No blanket on the head, but sure enough, she'd peeled her socks off.  It's been FREEZING here!  I picked her up and sat down in the rocker to put the socks back on.  She layed her head down on me, and she just snoozed so sweetly and softly.  It isn't often that I get to just snuggle up to her without her quickly taking off to go explore and destroy.  When I put her in her crib, she looked at me, fighting to keep her eyes open, like she just wanted to see her Mama.  When Oscar knocked down the baby gate, she started crying, "Mama, Mama," but I soothed her tears right away, as she started to fall back asleep with a tear in the corner of her eye.  I had to wipe it away because I hate to see her cry out of fright or pain.  

It makes me feel so special, so important to be her mom.  That feeling must be what keeps all us hard-working moms going, even when the "me" time and sleep time is slim to none.  That sweet look in my daughter's eyes when she is so tired, but she loves me so much she just wants to look in my eyes to tell me all the things she doesn't know how to say yet.


  1. Love it and Love you more! What a great blessing these babies have been, and in ways we never could have imagined. Here's to celebrating their 19 months and their many more months and years to come. :)


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