I like it!

There are so many wonderful products and websites that I love, recommend, and use frequently.  I love them all so much, I want to share them with everyone I know!

1. Bio Oil was my lifesaver after having A.  My mom never got stretch marks, so I figured I'd get her good genetics (or luck). Now some people still swear by cocoa butter on the belly to avoid stretch marks, but many studies say that is a myth.  I didn't have any stretch marks all pregnancy long until the final month when BAM-a slew of them appeared on the underside of my belly.  What pregnant woman can even see the underside of her belly?!  As luck would have it, I stumbled upon an ad for Bio Oil, so when I later saw it at Walmart, I decided to give it a try.  I also used Target's Up & Up knock off of Mederma.  I'm telling you though, the Bio Oil worked magic, and it was fast!

2. We absolutely adore Bird's Eye steam fresh veggies.  As some people know, canned products contain the dangerous Bisphenol-A (BPA), which has been linked to many health problems.  Luckily, even after being microwaved in their plastic pouch (sounds like trouble, huh?) there was no increase in BPA in the product. (While researching for this blog/for my own knowledge about Bird's Eye, I stumbled upon this amazing website/article Happy Healthy Long Life).  
*Sidenote: I will be trying to figure out how to cut as many canned products out of our family's pantry as I can...so disturbing about the BPA that is allowed in our canned goods...

3. Organic Grace is a new website I've found, which gives great information about organics and toxins in products we use ranging from mattresses to household products.  It includes a great article about BPA in cans (see #2...were you paying attention?) here.

4. Dooce, written by the amazing Heather Armstrong (author of It Sucked and Then I Cried) can be hugely credited with giving me laughter and strength in some of the dark days following Ayla's birth.  Her courage to speak so candidly about her ups and downs with motherhood, along with her severe post-partum depression really encouraged me and took away some of the shame I felt, as many PPD moms do, for feeling so bad with such a wonderful new baby.   

5. Speaking of PPD, when I entered the blogsphere, I found this great website Postpartum Progress, which is a blog, but more importantly the BEST informational resource for moms out there.  It isn't like anything I've seen before.  There are great articles, links, and information that empowers all moms and families of new moms to bring PPD into the light and out of the dark place many, many moms hide it.  Share it with the moms in your life.  Bookmark it.  You never know when someone you love may need it.

6. Many of my friends and family know I had a huge struggle with breastfeeding for many reasons ranging from formula being pushed at us for A's jaundice in the hospital to latch issues to mastitis that cost me my milk supply.  However, I feel that if I am brave enough to try again with future bambinos, the information I learned at Kelly Mom will help me a ton.  Also, if I face the BFing issues I did with A, I can consider exclusively pumping, which is very hard but doable.  Exclusively Pumping was a resource I wish I had found weeks earlier.  Perhaps then my mastitis and loss of supply would've never happened.

7. My dear friend Amanda over at Wife. Mama. Educator is amazing and we started our blogging adventures around the same time.  Beside the point.  Anyway, she sent me a very nifty homemade Moby wrap that mama, papa, and baby all loved!  This video was also part of her gift to me, which helped me figure out the crazy contraption that a Moby can be.  Love!

8. I don't know why the reviews on the Oster immersion blender are so bad because this product is bad a-s-s (spelling it...less inappropriate than saying it?) for making soup and more importantly homemade baby food!

9. Speaking of which, wholesomebabyfood.com is my FAVORITE resource for making your own baby food.  Free!  Easy!  Buy some ice cube trays, an immersion blender, and you're in baby food making business!

10. Car seat safety is priority.  How could I get through a post without mentioning it?  Some of my favorite sites are:
What websites do you frequent and which products do you swear by?  Leave your favorites in a comment below!


  1. Thanks lady for the shout out! And I totally bought that immersion blender because of your recommendation. It is great! Love to you and happy you have blogging motivation and that you're moving up in the rankings!


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