Shortcomings, to-do's, and mom thoughts

My laundry pile never seems to get smaller.  

The dishes pile up about as quickly as the laundry does.  

My gas tank seems to be on the empty side more often than the full side.  

I wish it was easy to keep my fridge full of fresh (local or organic if possible) produce and meat (which I can never find local and the organic is a joke from what I've been able to gather).  

My master bathroom is in need of a good sweepin' and moppin', but that's not happening tonight. 

Ayla's toys get strewn across the living room/dining room/house before I can pick them up.  

I don't believe in making my bed--never have.  Since it is getting slept in just a handful of hours later, anyway.  

My wardrobe should be overhauled, but I can't bring myself to get rid of anything because it is so sparse from lack of clothes that fit.  

I am constantly thinking of ways to educate my daughter and make sure she is well-fed, well-rounded, healthy, and happy.  

We have piss ants.  Man, they piss me off! They especially angered me when they attacked my box of Honey Bunches O' Oats. 

Ayla peed through her pull-up while in her car seat.  She peed through it because she refused to get her diaper changed before I took her 30 lb. self to go walk the bridge.  Anyway, I had to pull the cover off her car seat, which is good because it needed washed in a bad way anyhow.  The straps don't come out of the car seat (which is good because people would probably improperly reassemble the straps), which means I had to hand wash them to get the pee out, then Febreze them to give them a nice fresh scent.

My cute new rug from Ikea is all bunched up in a wad because my dogs and toddler do strange things to it (don't know how, really).

Even though Ayla is almost 2 and sleeps great (except this recent waking-up-crying-teething thing), I still check on her before I go to bed.  And if I spend time watching TV or blogging or reading while in bed, I have to go back and check on her again before I "officially" go to bed.

I also have a career, which keeps me away from all of these things for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week (at least).

Before my October wedding, I hope to lose 15-25 pounds, hopefully more on the 25 side.  So I'm tracking calories and carbs and interval running between getting my period and my frequent migraines.

Ever ask a mama what's on her mind and get the eyes glazed over expression on her face?  This is why!


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