No going back...

Life can be separated into two phases: before baby and after baby.

When I became a mom, I feel like I started a whole new life...

Before baby...I slept in on weekends.  I napped often.
After baby...sleeping in consists of that extra hour A sleeps compared to the work week (during which we have to wake her up).

Before baby...I loved buying myself cute new shoes, just for fun.
After feet grew 1/2 a size, rendering my cute shoe collection useless.  (By the way, aside from the crocs I bought several months back, I just bought my first pair of cute sandals since having A.  That is a LONG time to go without wearing cute shoes...)

Before baby...I loved going out all the time with my friends.
After baby...I feel lucky to get to talk to my friends and see them once every couple of months.

Before baby...I enjoyed going to the gym and working out for hours on end.
After baby...I wish I could figure out how to afford the gym and how to find the time for it without feeling like I'm robbing myself and my daughter of precious limited time together.

Before baby...I didn't read food labels (unless counting calories counts).
After baby...I avoid HFCS, trans fats, dyes, syrups, and more.

Before baby...I filled my baby registry with useless crap no parent *really* needs and toxic baby products that I didn't know were toxic (beloved and trusted Johnson & Johnson bull crap products).
After baby...I started learning more and more about how to protect my child from things that aren't regulated and controlled in a way that they SHOULD be.

Before, schmorganic.
After baby...trying to find a way to afford all the organics I can.

Before baby...didn't worry about the words coming out of my mouth when hanging around the house.
After baby...spend my days censoring bad language and sharing friendly reminders with Brandon: "language."   (So glad to have such a supportive man!)

Before baby...struggled to find clothes that fit.
After baby...REALLY struggle to find clothes that fit.

Before baby...gave my mom and dad plenty of grief, but still loved them tons.
After baby...regret giving mom and dad grief and love them even more, if that's possible.

Before baby...always had freshly pedicured feet.  (Last pedicure I had was about a week before she was born).
After baby...feel lucky that my feet aren't the size of balloons.  Feel excited if the toenail polish hasn't totally chipped off my feet.  Something's better than nothing, right?

Before baby...never left the house without makeup.
After baby...prefer sleeping 5 more minutes to having a freshly made face.

Before baby...focused on me.
After baby...all about her.

I still can't believe I just bought myself the first pair of cute shoes I've owned since before I got preggers!


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